Welcome to Electric Bicycles HQ! I'm Cody, a recreational cyclist with a background in mountain and road bikes, now diving head-first into the world of electric bicycles.

My journey with e-bikes began on a memorable trip to Inishmore Island with my friends and wife. We were rained on the whole day, but the silver lining was the e-bikes we were riding. Gliding around the island effortlessly, even in the rain, was such an enjoyable experience that it sparked a fascination in me for these incredible machines.

This website was born out of a desire to challenge myself, grow my skills, and broaden my knowledge about e-bikes. I decided not just to learn for myself but also to share this journey with others. My goal is to bring you along as I explore, learn, and understand the dynamics of e-bikes, their features, benefits, and everything in between.

Expect to find a variety of articles and reviews about e-bikes or accessories on this site. Whether you're a beginner looking for your first e-bike or an experienced rider seeking to upgrade, I hope to provide information that is useful, relevant, and engaging.

I believe that we all continue to learn throughout our lives, and this journey with e-bikes is my current path of exploration. So, let's embark on this electrifying ride together!

Thanks for joining me on this adventure. Feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts.

Happy riding!

Get to know us

black spiral stairs during daytime
black spiral stairs during daytime

Our mission

This website was created with the intention of expanding my knowledge and skillset in the realm of e-bikes. I wanted to challenge myself and share my journey with others who are interested in the same topic. My objective is to take you with me as I delve into the inner workings of e-bikes, their unique characteristics, advantages, and more. Through my exploration and learning process, I hope to provide valuable insight and knowledge to those who share my passion for e-bikes.

Our vision

I firmly believe that learning never stops, and right now, my journey is all about exploring e-bikes. I am excited to embark on this electrifying ride with you, and discover all the possibilities that these bikes have to offer. With every ride, we will learn and grow, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes us. From cruising through the streets to tackling challenging terrains, we will experience it all together. Let's embrace this new adventure, push our limits and take on the world of e-bikes together!

stainless steel spiral staircase on gray floor
stainless steel spiral staircase on gray floor